As the real estate market continues to heat up, more and more home buyers are making cash offers on their homes. However, while it can be tempting to offer a large sum of money to win over the seller, this strategy may not always work in this competitive marketplace.
Despite this fact, there are ways to beat a cash offer on your house without giving up the mortgage you need. The key is to understand the ins and outs of how these offers work and know which strategies will be most effective in your specific market.
First, you’ll need to be sure that your financials are in order. The best way to do this is to talk to a licensed mortgage lender and get pre-approved for a mortgage loan before you start looking for a new home. This way, you can be sure that your finances are solid and ready to go when you do find the perfect house.
Second, you’ll need to be prepared to negotiate and bend on certain terms and conditions. These include offering a lower price than what you actually need to sell your current home for or waiving a sale contingency in which you need to sell your existing property before you can purchase the new one. Read more
Third, you’ll need to make sure that you can qualify for a mortgage and close on the house in a timely manner. This means you should be able to show that your income is sufficient and that you have enough liquid assets to cover your mortgage payment and other fees.
Fourth, you’ll need to ensure that your home inspection and appraisal are both in order. This will give you a better idea of how much you can afford to pay for the home, which will help you determine whether or not the cash offer is worth the risk.
Fifth, you’ll need to be sure that the home you’re submitting a cash offer on is priced accurately and not too high for the neighborhood. Often, this can make a difference in how your offer is received by the seller and could help you secure the home of your dreams.
Sixth, you’ll need to take advantage of the fact that many residential sales contracts in New York state include a provision that allows you to back out of the contract and get your deposit back if you can’t secure financing. This can be especially useful in a cash-market when you don’t want to be locked into a deal that could fall through because of financing issues.
Seventh, you’ll need to understand how the cash-backed offer works and why sellers like them. The main reason sellers prefer these offers is because they’re less risky and allow them to verify their funds before closing.
A cash-backed offer is also attractive to sellers because it guarantees that the buyer won’t back out of the deal if they can’t get a mortgage loan. It also protects them against a low appraisal or home inspection that could skew their sale price.